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Monday, March 10, 2008

Other Money Makers

Google Adsense

As I'm sure you've already noticed, throughout this Blog, I have placed several Targeted Google Adsense advertisements. Adsense is an extremely easy way to monetize any kind of site. Even if your site does not get great amounts of traffic, Adsense is a good way to earn some money for the time and effort you put into your site. As with just about everything Google, the Adsense website is very user friendly and will get you earning in no time. Try it on your site today!

Google Referral Ads

To the right of this blog, you will see a series of links under the title Featured Sites. These advertisements are different from Adsense. Google Referral Ads allow you to personally target the products/services/websites you feel are relevant to your site or would be interesting to your sites visitors. Many of them I click myself as they offer great services.

Peel Away Ads

Now, although I am not currently using them on this blog, Peel Away Ads are another great way to profit from any kind of web page. Unlike pop-ups, pop-unders, and fly-in advertisements, Peel Away ads are minimally intrusive. The customer merely sees a corner of the page folded away. And lets be honest, you know you hover your mouse over that corner everytime you see it. I know I do.

Try Peel Away Ads Today for a Non-Intrusive but Highly Atrractive Way to Earn More Money!


Yuwie is a social networking site, a lot like Myspace of Facebook. However, Yuwie has one main difference. Instead of reaping all the advertising profits for themselves, like other social networking sites, Yuwie pays members a percentage of the monthly revenue! So basically, sign up to do everything you normally do online, but get paid to do it!


Of course, lets not forget the program that gave me a reason to make this blog! Bux.to is an excellent opportunity that would be a shame to miss out on. Bux literally pays you to click advertisements. (Hellllooo? Can you think of an easier way to make money?)

I recommend that YOU try the site today. Register an Alertpay Account and a Bux.to Free membership and see how the program works. Click a few ads, read the Success Stories. In a few days, if you still are not satisfied with the site, quit! You'll have lost nothing but a few minutes and made a little money in the process.

But, if you see the true potential, as i do, to earn LARGE amounts of money using this free site, invest in referrals to your heart's content. Think about it; say you buy 15 referrals just to see what its like. Even if EVERY ONE of those members are inactive(this is NEVER the case), you can still earn the money paid for the referrals back by clicking yourself. So once again you'll lose nothing.

However, let me tell you that of the 30 referrals I've purchased, NOT ONE is inactive. All of them are clicking away every day and earning me money. How could they not? Bux.to is a great way to make money.

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